= google8f5ee720693b5c31.html> PhatFlix: August 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

ON SET PHOTOS: "Total Recall" remake-now shooting in Toronto

Posted by Derek Flack / July 27, 2011

Total Recall Remake TorontoAlthough the new monster-budget remake of 1990's Total Recall has been filming in Toronto for almost two months, thus far the action has been mostly confined to the sound stage at Pinewood Studios on Commissioners Street in the Port Lands. Earlier this week, however, the production got a whole lot more public. With stars Colin Farrell and Jessica Biel in tow, film crews descended on Lake Shore Avenue East to shoot one of what will likely be a number of chase scenes in the $200 million movie, the most expensive to be shot in Toronto to date.

I'm not one to gawk at celebrities, but I've always been fascinated by behind-the-scenes shots of film productions, particularly those which promise to feature gratuitous special effects. While I have little difficulty suspending disbelief in the theatre, it remains intriguing to see what the filmmakers and editors have to work with, even if it's invariably less exciting than the final product.

The stretch of Lake Shore where the filming took place is back open today, but one suspects this isn't the last time that the Total Recall cast and crew make an appearance outside the studio. Check out the photos below, and if you have shots of the production, send them to the blogTO Flickr pool. Lead shot by syfractal.

Total Recall Toronto


Total Recall Filming

Photo by dtstuff9


Total Recall Remake Torontodtstuff9


Total Recall Remake Toronto

Photo by Max Quijano

Friday, August 5, 2011

DARK KNIGHT RISES: First Peek...Anne Hathaway as CATWOMAN

The Spielberg Curriculium: 206 movies u must see in order to work with him.

How Many of The Movies On This Arbitrary List of 206 Have You Seen?

Reposted from www.filmschoolrejects.com
By Cole Abaius on August 1, 2011 | Comments (5)

As do many things on the internet, this completely official-looking Google Document titled “Spielberg’s Curriculum” is working its way around twitter and RSS feeds like a beautiful virus.

It originated in some dark corner of the planet, but it was first written about by screenwriter Scott Myers over at Go Into the Story. It was sent to him by guest writer for the site/guy hustling hard to work in the business, Nate Winslow (who is sadly not Carl Winslow’s son). It was apparently sent to Nate by “someone” over twitter.

The point? It’s not exactly verified that this is the list that Spielberg uses to cut the wheat from the chaff (considering that he also famously shows people movies while working on movies with them).

But, all of that curriculum nonsense is just a hook for what turns out to be a phenomenal list of movies from 12 Angry Men to The Young Lions (alphabetically, not chronologically).

Check out that last link and see how many you’ve seen (my number was a paltry 121), and you can always brush up on older films by reading Old Ass Movies where we’ve covered a handful of the films on this thing.