= google8f5ee720693b5c31.html> PhatFlix: 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Princess Bride REDUX- Lightsaber Battle

The internet adds lightsabers to a lot of things, so it’s hard to accept that we’re only now seeing Inigo Montoya and The Dread Pirate Roberts’s duel from The Princess Bride with lightsabers. The pairing is perfect. How did this not happen years ago?

Extra bonus points for picking not only a charming movie, but a duel in which actual fencing techniques are used, possibly making this the most realistic lightsaber duel now in existence. (If you disagree, link or embed video, because a comment thread full of lightsaber duels is a wonderful thing.)

(video via John Joseph Adams or @johnjosephadams, if you prefer)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Zack Snyder's 'Superman': Matthew Goode is Rumored Frontrunner

By Fandango's: Erik Davis on November 22, 2010 at 2:03 PM

The other day we told you how Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder were gearing up to look at hundreds of potential actors for the role of Clark Kent/Superman in the next Man of Steel movie, which is set to begin production this June. There's somewhat of an accelerated pace on this project because they have to be in production on a new Superman movie by a certain date or else Warner Bros. may have to forfeit the rights, which means we're probably going to have a steady dose of Superman stories over the next few weeks.

Matthew Goode

Could the studio be looking to lock in their man before the holidays? A new report suggests just that, as the rumored frontrunner is now Matthew Goode, who starred in Zack Snyder's Watchmen adaptation as Adrian Veidt, aka Ozymandias. So, yeah, the guy does bring a little superhero clout to the table, and he certainly looks the part of a clean-cut, well-built wholesome Man of Steel, despite the fact that the majority of you would rather see Smallville's Tom Welling in the role (according to the 100-plus comments we received from our Superman post the other day).
Chances are Goode is just one of the many people they're looking at for the part, so I wouldn't jump to conclusions and immediately freak out, even though, on paper, he does seem like a suitable-enough match, especially considering his experience on Watchmen with Snyder.
What do you think? Is Matthew Goode a…good choice for Superman?

Friday, October 29, 2010

BATMAN 3: We have a title...

Nolan’s third Batman movie: The Dark Knight Rises

October 27th, 2010
Author David Pepose

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a title.

Christopher Nolan has announced that his third Batman film will be called The Dark Knight Rises, according to an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

“We’ll use many of the same characters as we have all along, and we’ll be introducing some new ones,” Nolan said in the interview, adding that the villain “won’t be the Riddler.” Hmm… curiouser and curiouser, right?

The movie is due out in July 20, 2012, which may put it on the tail end of the Avengers film, due out on May 4 of the same year.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Batman 3" casts new villan

'Batman 3' Casts 'Inception' Star Tom Hardy as Possible Villain
By: Erik Davis on October 13, 2010 at 3:15PM Comments (93)

With all this talk about Superman, we keep forgetting that Warner Bros. is also gearing up to shoot another big superhero film with the third installment of Christopher Nolan's 'Batman' franchise. Most (if not all) of the same cast will be returning (Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and Michael Caine), but this time around Bruce Wayne will need a new love interest and a new villain or two to square off against.

(Pictured:Tom Hardy)

Getting things underway, it appears as if Nolan has chosen Tom Hardy (Inception, Bronson) to play "a lead role" in the new Batman movie, presumably as one of the main villains since, other than a replacement for Harvey Dent, there doesn't seem to be anyone else for him to play. Because Hardy is so versatile, the list of villains he could potentially play is pretty long – from The Riddler to Killer Croc, there are a number of large-and-in-charge bad boys this actor could take on.

No other additions to the Batman 3 cast yet, though if Nolan is picking and choosing from his Inception cast, look for names like Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Riddler?) and Marion Cottilard (Catwoman?) to also be tossed around before things are finalized. Batman 3 (which isn't the film's official name; we're just calling it that until they give it one) will hit theaters on July 20th, 2012.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Facebook Movie Parody; YouTube's Bloody Origins

n this chilling parody of the trailer for the upcoming Facebook movie The Social Network, we learn just how ruthless YouTube's founders were. They threw punches, made threats—even Keyboard Cat was in the line of fire.Blame Jeff Loveness, the Jimmy Kimmel intern who threw the movie-trailer parody together. Chad Hurley, the YouTube-co-founder depicted in the satire, complains only that he looked entirely different when downing Johnny Walker Black and ruthlessly demanding a fresh supply of adorable online babies. This YouTube trailer actually kind of looks like a more interesting than the Facebook movie. Ben Mezrich, your next book is staring you in the face.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

70's Gore Classic, revamped w/ an NR rating.

This rape revenge classic sociopoliticaly shifted the woman's liberation movement into full gear while simultaneously causing a drop in pimp clients and a dip in the economic stability of the New York prostitution biz, circa 1979. So goes the checks and balances of
the underground commerce markets and their dependence on the fickle whims of it's media-driven audiences.

Good to see a film release that's more of an "adult drama" without a PG-13 rating anywhere in sight.
Judging by upcoming releases 2011-2012, it could be a trend towards more "mature" media being released.

In this respect, The Wachowski Brothers (Bound, The Matrix, Speed Racer) are sure to step in time as
they are developing a film about a homosexual relationship between a U.S. military guy and an Iraqi man. Whoa. Shit is about to get deep.

Can you roll with it?

LATEST TRAILER /Apple Movie Trailers

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dear Hollywood...WTF?


You used to be so cool. You gave us a reason to pay hard-earned money to be entertained...losing ourselves in a fantastic tale of love or terror or suspense, for a little while before returning back to a dull, dreary life. Now you are just as dull and dreary as our 9 to 5, or as exciting as suburban housework.

What happened? Where's all the fresh, original content that kept us going back again and again. Not all of us knows video game or comic book characters. Something fresh & new would be nice.

Why do you insist on dumbing down your product? Despite what you think we are not stupid. We may have strange habits like following what's popular and letting a couple of people dictate what happens in our lives, but overall, we're pretty intelligent folk. Please. Easy on the groin kicks & fart jokes.

Our ability to retain memory is not as bad as you think. We remember old movies and wish not to see them (and pay for them) again. "Friday The 13th", "Nightmare On Elm Street" & "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" are examples of features that should remain in the Hollywood Hall of fame.

What's that? You say that current remakes are for the next generation of moviegoer, whose attention span is too short to appreciate the cinematic style of older films? Oh. OK. That must explain the heavy dose of CGI and other camera "shake" effects on every project that comes out of you these days. Whatever. I guess I could pick up some Dramamine before I go to the theater.

We are getting tired of the same old ideas. Where are the new superstars? The new visionaries? The new studios? If you're hiding them, set them free. Give them a chance to dazzle us based on what we MIGHT like, instead of what we have liked before. Take a chance on 'em. You can't win if you don't gamble. And judging by the Summer 2010 box office, you're playing it safe and STILL losing.


James Avatar

Monday, July 5, 2010

Swedish vampire flick remake; "Let Me In" teaser/trailer

For those of who have been waiting for the American remake of the Swedish vampire flick "Let The Right One In" about a troubled boy-meets-bloodsucking girl, here it is. The International teaser/trailer was released today. The original put "Twilight" to shame. This one looks to do the same.